

Related Docs: class Either | package util

object Either extends Serializable

Linear Supertypes
Serializable,, AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. Either
  2. Serializable
  3. Serializable
  4. AnyRef
  5. Any
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Type Members

  1. trait Bias[+E] extends AnyRef

  2. trait LeftBias[R] extends AnyRef

    Left-biasing trait that may be extended by classes, objects, traits, and packages (via package objects).

    Left-biasing trait that may be extended by classes, objects, traits, and packages (via package objects).

    Within entities that extend this trait objects of type Either will be left-biased, and have the full-suite of left-biased operations (including operations suitable to for comprehensions) automatically made available.

    By default, transformation of a left-biased Either to empty by a failed pattern match or filter operation will provoke a java.util.NoSuchElementException. Override EmptyTokenDefinition to prevent this and have emptiness represented by an error token of type R.

    Note: Entities that do not need to extend another class can extend the abstract class Either.LeftBias.Base, which allows defining the Empty token in the superclass constructor rather than overriding EmptyTokenDefinition.

    For more information, please see LeftBias

    class Clown extends Either.LeftBias[Clown.Error] {
      import Clown.{Cash,Laugh,Error};
      // override to specify an empty token
      override val EmptyTokenDefinition = Either.LeftBias.withEmptyToken(Error.Empty);
      // use Either values directly in for comprehensions
      def perform : Either[Cash,Error] = {
         for {
           laugh <- makeFunny
           money <- begForCash( laugh ) if laugh.loudness > 2
         } yield money
      def makeFunny : Either[Laugh,Error] = ???
      def begForCash( laugh : Laugh )  : Either[Cash,Error] = ???
    object Clown {
      final object Error {
        case object Empty extends Error;
        case object JokeBombed extends Error;
        case object NoAudience extends Error;
        case object Cheapskates extends Error;
      sealed trait Error;
      case class Laugh( loudness : Int );
      case class Cash( quantity : Int, currencyCode : String );
  3. final case class LeftProjection[+A, +B](e: Either[A, B]) extends Product with Serializable

    Projects an Either into a Left.

    Projects an Either into a Left.

    This allows for-comprehensions over Either instances - for example

    for (s <- Left("flower").left) yield s.length // Left(6)

    Continuing the analogy with scala.Option, a LeftProjection declares that Left should be analogous to Some in some code.

    // using Option:
    def interactWithDB(x: Query): Option[Result] =
      try {
      } catch {
        case ex => None
    // this will only be executed if interactWithDB returns a Some
    val report =
      for (r <- interactWithDB(someQuery)) yield generateReport(r)
    if (report.isDefined)
      log("report not generated, not sure why...")
    // using Either
    def interactWithDB(x: Query): Either[Exception, Result] =
      try {
      } catch {
        case ex => Left(ex)
    // this will only be executed if interactWithDB returns a Right
    val report =
      for (r <- interactWithDB(someQuery).right) yield generateReport(r)
    if (report.isRight)
      log("report not generated, reason was " + report.left.get)

    1.0, 11/10/2008

  4. implicit final class MergeableEither[A] extends AnyVal

    Allows use of a merge method to extract values from Either instances regardless of whether they are Left or Right.

    Allows use of a merge method to extract values from Either instances regardless of whether they are Left or Right.

    val l = Left(List(1)): Either[List[Int], Vector[Int]]
    val r = Right(Vector(1)): Either[List[Int], Vector[Int]]
    l.merge: Seq[Int] // List(1)
    r.merge: Seq[Int] // Vector(1)
  5. trait RightBias[L] extends AnyRef

    Right-biasing trait that may be extended by classes, objects, traits, and packages (via package objects).

    Right-biasing trait that may be extended by classes, objects, traits, and packages (via package objects).

    Within entities that extend this trait values of type Either will be right-biased, and have the full-suite of right-biased operations (including operations suitable to for comprehensions) automatically made available.

    By default, transformation of a right-biased Either to empty by a failed pattern match or filter operation will provoke a java.util.NoSuchElementException. Override EmptyTokenDefinition to prevent this and have emptiness represented by an error token of type L.

    Note: Entities that do not need to extend another class can extend the abstract class Either.RightBias.Base, which allows definition of the Empty token in the superclass constructor rather than overriding EmptyTokenDefinition.

    For more information, please see RightBias

    class Clown extends Either.RightBias[Clown.Error] {
      import Clown.{Cash,Laugh,Error};
      // override to specify an empty token
      override val EmptyTokenDefinition = Either.RightBias.withEmptyToken(Error.Empty);
      // use Either values directly in for comprehensions
      def perform : Either[Error,Cash] = {
         for {
           laugh <- makeFunny
           money <- begForCash( laugh ) if laugh.loudness > 2
         } yield money
      def makeFunny : Either[Error,Laugh] = ???
      def begForCash( laugh : Laugh )  : Either[Error,Cash] = ???
    object Clown {
      final object Error {
        case object Empty extends Error;
        case object JokeBombed extends Error;
        case object NoAudience extends Error;
        case object Cheapskates extends Error;
      sealed trait Error;
      case class Laugh( loudness : Int );
      case class Cash( quantity : Int, currencyCode : String );
  6. final case class RightProjection[+A, +B](e: Either[A, B]) extends Product with Serializable

    Projects an Either into a Right.

    Projects an Either into a Right.

    This allows for-comprehensions over Either instances - for example

    for (s <- Right("flower").right) yield s.length // Right(6)

    Continuing the analogy with scala.Option, a RightProjection declares that Right should be analogous to Some in some code.

    Analogous to LeftProjection, see example usage in its documentation above.


    1.0, 11/10/2008

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Test two objects for inequality.

    Test two objects for inequality.


    true if !(this == that), false otherwise.

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  2. final def ##(): Int

    Equivalent to x.hashCode except for boxed numeric types and null.

    Equivalent to x.hashCode except for boxed numeric types and null. For numerics, it returns a hash value which is consistent with value equality: if two value type instances compare as true, then ## will produce the same hash value for each of them. For null returns a hashcode where null.hashCode throws a NullPointerException.


    a hash value consistent with ==

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  3. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean

    The expression x == that is equivalent to if (x eq null) that eq null else x.equals(that).

    The expression x == that is equivalent to if (x eq null) that eq null else x.equals(that).


    the object to compare against this object for equality.


    true if the receiver object is equivalent to the argument; false otherwise.

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. object LeftBias

    This object contains utilities for defining an environment in which Either instances are "left-biased".

    This object contains utilities for defining an environment in which Either instances are "left-biased".

    Left-biased means instances of Either[A,B] can be operated upon via methods that render thme quite analogous to an Option[A], except that failures are represented by a Right containing information about the problem rathar than by uninformative None. In particular, a left-biased Either can be used directly in a for comprehension. Unlike a LeftProjection, a left-biased Either supports all features of a for comprehension, including pattern matching, filtering, and variable assignment.

    Left-biasing decorates vanilla Either[A,B] with the following API.

    def flatMap[BB >: B, Z]( f : A => Either[Z,BB] ) : Either[Z,BB]
    def map[Z]( f : A => Z )                         : Either[Z,B]
    def withFilter( p : A => Boolean )               : Either[A,B]
    def exists( f : A => Boolean )                   : Boolean
    def forall( f : A => Boolean )                   : Boolean
    def foreach[U]( f : A => U )                     : Any
    def get                                          : A
    def getOrElse[AA >: A ]( or : =>AA )             : AA
    def toOption                                     : Option[A]
    def toSeq                                        : collection.Seq[A]
    def xget                                         : B
    def xgetOrElse[BB>:B]( or : =>BB )               : BB
    def xmap[Z]( f : B => Z )                        : Either[A,Z]
    def replaceIfEmpty[BB>:B]( replacement : =>BB )  : Either[A,BB]
    def isEmpty                                      : Boolean
    def isLeftBiased                                 : Boolean
    def isRightBiased                                : Boolean
    def conformsToBias                               : Boolean

    For the full documentation, plase see Ops.

    To enable left-biasing, you first define a bias, typically via the Either.LeftBias.withEmptyToken factory.

    // will impart a left-bias suitable to Either[A,String]
    val LeftBias = Either.LeftBias.withEmptyToken("EMPTY")
    import LeftBias._

    The specified "empty token" will define the value in the Right object that will be used to indicate when a filter or pattern-match of a left-side object fails.

    If you don't wish to specify an empty token, you may use the more convenient

    import Either.LeftBias._

    However, if you do not specify an empty token, filter operations or pattern match failures that would leave the left-side empty will result in the raising of a java.util.NoSuchElementException.

    You may also create a left-biased environment within a trait, class, object, or package by having the entity extend the trait LeftBias or the abstract base class LeftBias.Base.

    A Detailed example

    Consider a hypothetical process that must read some binary data from a URL, parse the data into a Record, ensure that record's year is no older than 2011, and then operate upon the data via one of several external services, depending on the opCode, ultimately producing a Result. Things that can go wrong include network errors on loading, parsing problems, failure of the timestamp condition, and failures with the external service.

    With Option, one might define a process like:

    case class Record( opCode : Int, data : Seq[Byte], year : Int )
    trait Result
    def loadURL( url : String )                   : Option[Seq[Byte]] = ???
    def parseRecord( bytes : Seq[Byte] )          : Option[Record] = ???
    def process( opCode : Int, data : Seq[Byte] ) : Option[Result] = ???
    def processURL( url : String ) : Option[Result] = {
      for {
        rawBytes                     <- loadURL( url )
        Record( opCode, data, year ) <- parseRecord( rawBytes )
        result                       <- process( opCode, data ) if year >= 2011
      } yield result

    That's fine, but if anything goes wrong, clients will receive a value None, and have no specific information about what the problem was. Instead of option, we might try to use Either, defining error codes for things that can go wrong. Unconventionally (since we are considering left-biased Either here), we'll let good values arrive as Left values and embed our error codes in Right objects.

    object Error {
      case object Empty extends Error;
      case class IO( message : String, stackTrace : List[StackTraceElement] = Nil ) extends Error;
      case class NoParse( message : String, stackTrace : List[StackTraceElement] = Nil ) extends Error;
      case object BadYear extends Error;
      case class ProcessorFailure( message : String, stackTrace : List[StackTraceElement] = Nil ) extends Error;
    sealed trait Error;
    case class Record( opCode : Int, data : Seq[Byte], year : Int )
    trait Result
    def loadURL( url : String )                   : Either[Seq[Byte],Error] = ??? // fails w/Error.IO
    def parseRecord( bytes : Seq[Byte] )          : Either[Record,Error]    = ??? // fails w/Error.NoParse
    def process( opCode : Int, data : Seq[Byte] ) : Either[Result,Error]    = ??? // fails w/Error.ProcessorFailure
    // we try to use the left projection but the
    // for comprehension fails to compile
    def processURL( url : String ) : Either[Result,Error] = {
      for {
        rawBytes                     <- loadURL( url ).left
        Record( opCode, data, year ) <- parseRecord( rawBytes ).left
        result                       <- process( opCode, data ).left if year >= 2011
      } yield result

    Unfortunately, this fails to compile, because scala.util.Either.LeftProjection does not support pattern-matching (used to extract opCode, data, and year) or filtering (which we perform based on year).

    Instead, we can left-bias the Either:

    object Error {
      case object Empty extends Error;
      case class IO( message : String, stackTrace : List[StackTraceElement] = Nil ) extends Error;
      case class NoParse( message : String, stackTrace : List[StackTraceElement] = Nil ) extends Error;
      case object BadYear extends Error;
      case class ProcessorFailure( message : String, stackTrace : List[StackTraceElement] = Nil ) extends Error;
    sealed trait Error;
    // left-bias Either
    val LeftBias = Either.LeftBias.withEmptyToken( Error.Empty )
    import LeftBias._
    case class Record( opCode : Int, data : Seq[Byte], year : Int )
    trait Result
    def loadURL( url : String )                   : Either[Seq[Byte],Error] = ??? // fails w/Error.IO
    def parseRecord( bytes : Seq[Byte] )          : Either[Record,Error]    = ??? // fails w/Error.NoParse
    def process( opCode : Int, data : Seq[Byte] ) : Either[Result,Error]    = ??? // fails w/Error.ProcessorFailure
    // use Either directly, rather than a projection, in the for comprehension
    def processURL( url : String ) : Either[Result,Error] = {
      for {
        rawBytes                     <- loadURL( url )
        Record( opCode, data, year ) <- parseRecord( rawBytes )
        result                       <- process( opCode, data ) if year >= 2011
      } yield result

    There is a problem: Error.Empty, would be the result of the year filter failing, when it should be Error.BadYear.

    The most general and straightforward wat to fix this is to replace empty tokens as they arrive with more informative errors. For this purpose, biased Either offers a method called LeftBias.Ops.replaceIfEmpty:

    // use Either directly, rather than a projection, in the for comprehension
    def processURL( url : String ) : Either[Result,Error] = {
      val processed = {
        for {
          rawBytes                     <- loadURL( url )
          Record( opCode, data, year ) <- parseRecord( rawBytes )
          result                       <- process( opCode, data ) if year >= 2011
        } yield result
      processed.replaceIfEmpty( Error.BadYear )

    The scope of the left-bias is the scope of the import. An alternative way to ensure empty tokens yield meaningful information is to define separate biases for separate contexts.

    val ProcessURLBias       = Either.LeftBias.withEmptyToken( Error.BadYear )
    val EnableHyperdriveBias = Either.LeftBias.withEmptyToken( Error.SpaceTimeRupture )
    def processURL( url : String ) : Either[Result,Int] = {
      import ProcessURLBias._
      for {
        rawBytes                     <- loadURL( url )
        Record( opCode, data, year ) <- parseRecord( rawBytes )
        result                       <- process( opCode, data ) if year >= 2011
      } yield result
  5. object RightBias

    This object contains utilities for defining an environment in which Either instances are "right-biased".

    This object contains utilities for defining an environment in which Either instances are "right-biased".

    Right-biased means instances of Either[A,B] can be operated upon via methods that render thme quite analogous to an Option[A], except that failures are represented by a Left containing information about the problem rathar than by uninformative None. In particular, a right-biased Either can be used directly in a for comprehension. Unlike a RightProjection, a right-biased Either supports all features of a for comprehension, including pattern matching, filtering, and variable assignment.

    Right-biasing decorates vanilla Either[A,B] with the following API.

    def flatMap[AA >: A, Z]( f : B => Either[AA,Z] ) : Either[AA,Z]
    def map[Z]( f : B => Z )                         : Either[A,Z]
    def withFilter( p : B => Boolean )               : Either[A,B]
    def exists( f : B => Boolean )                   : Boolean
    def forall( f : B => Boolean )                   : Boolean
    def foreach[U]( f : B => U )                     : Any
    def get                                          : B
    def getOrElse[BB>:B]( or : =>BB )                : BB
    def toOption                                     : Option[B]
    def toSeq                                        : collection.Seq[B]
    def xget                                         : A
    def xgetOrElse[AA>:A]( or : =>AA )               : AA
    def xmap[Z]( f : A => Z )                        : Either[Z,B]
    def replaceIfEmpty[AA>:A]( replacement : =>AA )  : Either[AA,B]
    def isEmpty                                      : Boolean
    def isLeftBiased                                 : Boolean
    def isRightBiased                                : Boolean
    def conformsToBias                               : Boolean

    For the full documentation, plase see Ops.

    To enable right-biasing, you first define a bias, typically via the Either.RightBias.withEmptyToken factory.

    // will impart a right-bias suitable to Either[String,B]
    val RightBias = Either.RightBias.withEmptyToken("EMPTY")
    import RightBias._

    The specified "empty token" will define the value in the Left object that will be used to indicate when a filter or pattern-match of a right-side object fails.

    If you don't wish to specify an empty token, you may use the more convenient

    import Either.RightBias._

    However, if you do not specify an empty token, filter operations or pattern match failures that would leave the right-side empty will result in the raising of a java.util.NoSuchElementException.

    You may also create a right-biased environment within a trait, class, object, or package by having the entity extend the trait RightBias or the abstract base class RightBias.Base.

    A Detailed example

    Consider a hypothetical process that must read some binary data from a URL, parse the data into a Record, ensure that record's year is no older than 2011, and then operate upon the data via one of several external services, depending on the opCode, ultimately producing a Result. Things that can go wrong include network errors on loading, parsing problems, failure of the timestamp condition, and failures with the external service.

    With Option, one might define a process like:

    case class Record( opCode : Int, data : Seq[Byte], year : Int )
    trait Result
    def loadURL( url : String )                   : Option[Seq[Byte]] = ???
    def parseRecord( bytes : Seq[Byte] )          : Option[Record]    = ???
    def process( opCode : Int, data : Seq[Byte] ) : Option[Result]    = ???
    def processURL( url : String ) : Option[Result] = {
      for {
        rawBytes                     <- loadURL( url )
        Record( opCode, data, year ) <- parseRecord( rawBytes )
        result                       <- process( opCode, data ) if year >= 2011
      } yield result

    That's fine, but if anything goes wrong, clients will receive a value None, and have no specific information about what the problem was. Instead of option, we might try to use Either, defining error codes for things that can go wrong. Conventionally, we'll let good values arrive as Right values and embed our error codes in Left objects.

    object Error {
      case object Empty extends Error;
      case class IO( message : String, stackTrace : List[StackTraceElement] = Nil ) extends Error;
      case class NoParse( message : String, stackTrace : List[StackTraceElement] = Nil ) extends Error;
      case object BadYear extends Error;
      case class ProcessorFailure( message : String, stackTrace : List[StackTraceElement] = Nil ) extends Error;
    sealed trait Error;
    case class Record( opCode : Int, data : Seq[Byte], year : Int )
    trait Result
    def loadURL( url : String )                   : Either[Error,Seq[Byte]] = ??? // fails w/Error.IO
    def parseRecord( bytes : Seq[Byte] )          : Either[Error,Record]    = ??? // fails w/Error.NoParse
    def process( opCode : Int, data : Seq[Byte] ) : Either[Error,Result]    = ??? // fails w/Error.ProcessorFailure
    // we try to use the right projection but the
    // for comprehension fails to compile
    def processURL( url : String ) : Either[Error,Result] = {
      for {
        rawBytes                     <- loadURL( url ).right
        Record( opCode, data, year ) <- parseRecord( rawBytes ).right
        result                       <- process( opCode, data ).right if year >= 2011
      } yield result

    Unfortunately, this fails to compile, because scala.util.Either.RightProjection does not support pattern-matching (used to extract opCode, data, and year) or filtering (which we perform based on year).

    Instead, we can right-bias the Either:

    object Error {
      case object Empty extends Error;
      case class IO( message : String, stackTrace : List[StackTraceElement] = Nil ) extends Error;
      case class NoParse( message : String, stackTrace : List[StackTraceElement] = Nil ) extends Error;
      case object BadYear extends Error;
      case class ProcessorFailure( message : String, stackTrace : List[StackTraceElement] = Nil ) extends Error;
    sealed trait Error;
    // right-bias Either
    val RightBias = Either.RightBias.withEmptyToken( Error.Empty )
    import RightBias._
    case class Record( opCode : Int, data : Seq[Byte], year : Int )
    trait Result
    def loadURL( url : String )                   : Either[Error,Seq[Byte]] = ??? // fails w/Error.IO
    def parseRecord( bytes : Seq[Byte] )          : Either[Error,Record]    = ??? // fails w/Error.NoParse
    def process( opCode : Int, data : Seq[Byte] ) : Either[Error,Result]    = ??? // fails w/Error.ProcessorFailure
    // use Either directly, rather than a projection, in the for comprehension
    def processURL( url : String ) : Either[Error,Result] = {
      for {
        rawBytes                     <- loadURL( url )
        Record( opCode, data, year ) <- parseRecord( rawBytes )
        result                       <- process( opCode, data ) if year >= 2011
      } yield result

    There is a problem: Error.Empty, would be the result of the year filter failing, when it should be Error.BadYear.

    The most general and straightforward wat to fix this is to replace empty tokens as they arrive with more informative errors. For this purpose, biased Either offers a method called RightBias.Ops.replaceIfEmpty:

    // use Either directly, rather than a projection, in the for comprehension
    def processURL( url : String ) : Either[Int,Result] = {
      val processed = {
        for {
          rawBytes                     <- loadURL( url )
          Record( opCode, data, year ) <- parseRecord( rawBytes )
          result                       <- process( opCode, data ) if year >= 2011
        } yield result
      processed.replaceIfEmpty( Error.BadYear )

    The scope of the right-bias is the scope of the import. An alternative way to ensure empty tokens yield meaningful information is to define separate biases for separate contexts.

    val ProcessURLBias       = Either.RightBias.withEmptyToken( Error.BadYear )
    val EnableHyperdriveBias = Either.RightBias.withEmptyToken( Error.SpaceTimeRupture )
    def processURL( url : String ) : Either[Int,Result] = {
      import ProcessURLBias._
      for {
        rawBytes                     <- loadURL( url )
        Record( opCode, data, year ) <- parseRecord( rawBytes )
        result                       <- process( opCode, data ) if year >= 2011
      } yield result
  6. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0

    Cast the receiver object to be of type T0.

    Cast the receiver object to be of type T0.

    Note that the success of a cast at runtime is modulo Scala's erasure semantics. Therefore the expression 1.asInstanceOf[String] will throw a ClassCastException at runtime, while the expression List(1).asInstanceOf[List[String]] will not. In the latter example, because the type argument is erased as part of compilation it is not possible to check whether the contents of the list are of the requested type.


    the receiver object.

    Definition Classes
    Exceptions thrown

    ClassCastException if the receiver object is not an instance of the erasure of type T0.

  7. def clone(): AnyRef

    Create a copy of the receiver object.

    Create a copy of the receiver object.

    The default implementation of the clone method is platform dependent.


    a copy of the receiver object.

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )

    not specified by SLS as a member of AnyRef

  8. def cond[A, B](test: Boolean, right: ⇒ B, left: ⇒ A): Either[A, B]

    If the condition is satisfied, return the given B in Right, otherwise, return the given A in Left.

    If the condition is satisfied, return the given B in Right, otherwise, return the given A in Left.

    val userInput: String = ...
      userInput.forall(_.isDigit) && userInput.size == 10,
      "The input (%s) does not look like a phone number".format(userInput)
  9. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Tests whether the argument (arg0) is a reference to the receiver object (this).

    Tests whether the argument (arg0) is a reference to the receiver object (this).

    The eq method implements an equivalence relation on non-null instances of AnyRef, and has three additional properties:

    • It is consistent: for any non-null instances x and y of type AnyRef, multiple invocations of x.eq(y) consistently returns true or consistently returns false.
    • For any non-null instance x of type AnyRef, x.eq(null) and null.eq(x) returns false.
    • null.eq(null) returns true.

    When overriding the equals or hashCode methods, it is important to ensure that their behavior is consistent with reference equality. Therefore, if two objects are references to each other (o1 eq o2), they should be equal to each other (o1 == o2) and they should hash to the same value (o1.hashCode == o2.hashCode).


    true if the argument is a reference to the receiver object; false otherwise.

    Definition Classes
  10. def equals(arg0: Any): Boolean

    The equality method for reference types.

    The equality method for reference types. Default implementation delegates to eq.

    See also equals in scala.Any.


    true if the receiver object is equivalent to the argument; false otherwise.

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  11. def finalize(): Unit

    Called by the garbage collector on the receiver object when there are no more references to the object.

    Called by the garbage collector on the receiver object when there are no more references to the object.

    The details of when and if the finalize method is invoked, as well as the interaction between finalize and non-local returns and exceptions, are all platform dependent.

    Definition Classes
    @throws( classOf[java.lang.Throwable] )

    not specified by SLS as a member of AnyRef

  12. final def getClass(): Class[_]

    A representation that corresponds to the dynamic class of the receiver object.

    A representation that corresponds to the dynamic class of the receiver object.

    The nature of the representation is platform dependent.


    a representation that corresponds to the dynamic class of the receiver object.

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any

    not specified by SLS as a member of AnyRef

  13. def hashCode(): Int

    The hashCode method for reference types.

    The hashCode method for reference types. See hashCode in scala.Any.


    the hash code value for this object.

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  14. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean

    Test whether the dynamic type of the receiver object is T0.

    Test whether the dynamic type of the receiver object is T0.

    Note that the result of the test is modulo Scala's erasure semantics. Therefore the expression 1.isInstanceOf[String] will return false, while the expression List(1).isInstanceOf[List[String]] will return true. In the latter example, because the type argument is erased as part of compilation it is not possible to check whether the contents of the list are of the specified type.


    true if the receiver object is an instance of erasure of type T0; false otherwise.

    Definition Classes
  15. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Equivalent to !(this eq that).

    Equivalent to !(this eq that).


    true if the argument is not a reference to the receiver object; false otherwise.

    Definition Classes
  16. final def notify(): Unit

    Wakes up a single thread that is waiting on the receiver object's monitor.

    Wakes up a single thread that is waiting on the receiver object's monitor.

    Definition Classes

    not specified by SLS as a member of AnyRef

  17. final def notifyAll(): Unit

    Wakes up all threads that are waiting on the receiver object's monitor.

    Wakes up all threads that are waiting on the receiver object's monitor.

    Definition Classes

    not specified by SLS as a member of AnyRef

  18. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0

    Definition Classes
  19. def toString(): String

    Creates a String representation of this object.

    Creates a String representation of this object. The default representation is platform dependent. On the java platform it is the concatenation of the class name, "@", and the object's hashcode in hexadecimal.


    a String representation of the object.

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  20. final def wait(): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  21. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  22. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )

Inherited from Serializable

Inherited from

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
